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DSC EKSU Repository Guildlines


Welcome hackers! It is awesome to have you here! In this guideline you would learn how to contribute to the below repository:


Before you start contributing to this project make sure you have read the repository Code Of Conduct, it is really important to make this inclusive and open to everyone, otherwise, it would not be awesome.

This repository was created to get developers going with Open Source during Hacktoberfest.


  1. Fork and Clone the repository
  2. Create a new branch
  3. Add your contribution
  4. Commit and push your fork
  5. Create a pull request
  6. Star the repository

How To Contribute

Fork and Clone the repository

Method 1

To fork and clone the repo easily, execute the below GitHub CLI command:

gh repo fork DSCEksu/hacktoberfest2020

Method 2

You can also click the Fork button at the right top corner and clone the forked repo using the HTTPS method

Create a new branch

Creating a new branch for your contributions is essential, execute the below Git command to create your branch

git checkout -b my-branch-name

NOTE: The best way to replace the my-branch-name key in the above command is your GitHub username. E.g: dsceksu

Add your contribution

There are two methods in contributing to this repo. They include: Adding & Updating contributions.

Adding contributions

  1. Head to the contributions directory.
  2. Create a new folder/directory to represent your contribution name.
  3. Add your contributions

Updating contributions

  1. Head to the contributions directory.
  2. Locate the folder/directory you want to contribute to.
  3. Add your contributions

Commit and push your fork

After adding your contributions, stage, commit and push your contribution to your forked repo with the below steps:

  1. Staging Changes
    git add .
  2. Commiting Changes
    git commit -m '@username: Commit message'
  3. Pushing Changes
    git push origin my-branch-name

Create a pull request

With the Step 4, your contributions would now be on your forked GitHub Repo. Now you can submit a new pull request from your forked repository to be merged with main repository by clicking the Compare & pull request button on top of your repo. Then click the Create pull request to create a new pull request

Star the repository

Now that you have contributed to open source, it'd be nice to star this Repository while your contribution awaits review from the team



Pat yourself on the back and wait for your pull request to be reviewed and merged. If merged, check your Hacktoberfest profile because you have earned another contribution.